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Is project management the same as building trust?

Project management sounds rather technical, but it has a lot to do with directly building trust with stakeholders and increasing the effectiveness of an organization. At my last workshop, the participants and I once again became aware of this. Project management also directly influences the reputation of the organization and makes visible how an organization implements its mission and how it acts. Read this article to find out what makes project management successful and how you can use it as a development tool to build trust in your organization.


Three decisive factors for successful project management:

1: Clarification of the assignment and initial phase:

Are we working on the right projects? What risks can we expect and what type of project are we dealing with? This is a selection of questions that should definitely be addressed in the initial phase of a project. In addition, the expected impact for the organization must be weighed against the effort (personnel and financial) in order to determine the project's worthiness.


2: Stakeholder analysis and project marketing:

Stakeholder analysis is crucial for project success, especially for acceptance and pioneer projects. You should definitely know what the demands, interests and areas of influence of your stakeholders are and how you can meet them with your own behavior and project marketing. This also results in internal and external communication measures that turn potential resistance into opportunities.


3: Project organization:

In the project organization, clear tasks and competencies of the project bodies must be ensured, as well as binding representations. Resource planning for all participants is a core element. You should also clarify the expectations and motivation of the team members. This will help you build trust within the project team.


What are the positive effects of applying these three core elements of project management?

- The success rate and impact of projects are increased: The initial analysis has resulted in only projects worthy of the project being tackled. In addition, the risk analysis made a significant contribution to ensuring that measures to prevent and minimize damage were effective and that risks did not materialize.

- Resistance was turned into potential: Through active stakeholder management, stakeholders were involved in the project according to their interests and potential influence. They were able to contribute their concerns as well as their knowledge to the project, which had a positive impact.

- Building trust: Active reporting and communication built trust with stakeholders. The organization is perceived as a professional partner and the stakeholders feel guided and taken seriously, which has led to a direct build-up of trust.


Would you like to reflect on your project management with your team and create a culture where project management is perceived and used not just as a means to an end but as a development tool and impact driver? I would be happy to support you and your team with a customized reflection and input workshop for successful project management.


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