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«Through Melanie's professional guidance, structured approach and her great expertise and experience, we were able to develop a business plan that helped us secure full funding for our project. We appreciated the collaboration and would work with Melanie again at any time.»

Martina Brun Co-Managerin, Open Food Network Schweiz



«We would particularly like to highlight Melanie Troxler's commitment to the certification of our parish with the environmental management system «Green Rooster». She has familiarized herself with the demanding certification process, supported it and made a significant contribution to successful certification. With her participatory approach, she created structures for implementation and motivated the employees and management committees to be a part of it with her enthusiastic nature.»

Karin Weber, Head of Department Catholic Church City of Lucerne


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«The workshop with Melanie Troxler helped us to find out where we wanted to go with the company and what practical steps we had to take to get there . We have already implemented a large part of these changes. We are already seeing many positive effects and can recommend Melanie Troxler with the best of our knowledge.»


Christian Macek, Online Marketing Partner GmbH


«When working with Ciudad Don Bosco, Melanie always relied on knowledge transfer and responded to the employees at the various management levels. She is characterized by her professional and at the same time cordial way of dealing with team. In addition, she has always brought great interest and sensitivity to understand the culture and dynamics of the context in which she conducts her consultations. Her governance services enabled Ciudad Don Bosco to establish a new way of thinking at the different levels of management.»


Br. Rafael Bejarano, Former Director of Ciudad Don Bosco, Colombia

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«Melanie Troxler provided comprehensive strategic advice to our organization from Sister Consolata Graber in Brazil. Her advice was successful in every respect and we have already been able to implement some of her recommendations and will implement further measures in the near future.»


Monica Brusa President CECRIS

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«Melanie Troxler supported me in important decisions. In exchange with her, I was able to go through a process that suddenly made many points appear very clear. As a small company, economic and personal aspects are very close to each other. It was very helpful for me to be able to use the professional and creative coaching and, above all, the neutral position of Melanie Troxler. I am very happy to recommend her.»


Regula Fritz, graphic bar

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«Melanie brought expertise to the Green Alliance network, which helped establish the DBGA in Latin America, Europe and Africa. Her multilingualism and intercultural skills were extremely helpful in building relationships with partners. This was instrumental in bringing people on board the Green Alliance platform. In addition, her experience was decisive for defining the strategy, the processes and the structure of the Don Bosco Green Alliance, which will be essential for the functioning of the network in the future. We would highly recommend Melanova Coaching to other organizations looking to build a global network.»

Br. Savio Silveira, Convener Don Bosco Green Alliance

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«The coaching was exactly the right thing for me for my concerns, whether I would like to become self-employed or accept a new job and/or further training at the same time. A lot of questions occupied me at this point. I'm a person of many ideas and abilities and it's easy to get lost in them. Already after the first coaching with Melanie I had order in my thoughts and a structured overview.I learned to prioritize and start in the right place and progress step by step. Despite my bubbling power of thought, which jumps quickly from one to the other, she always gave me a clear and realistic summary, which led me to self-knowledge.

Her own experience and knowledge gained in her independence, as well as her structured approach and the ability to grasp a person and also to put ideas into perspective, helped me to make my own decisions. Today I am overjoyed in my new part-time job in the social sector in neighborhood work. This means that I can carry out projects that are close to my heart without any pressure as a movement pedagogue and dance teacher and even integrate them into my current workplace. So many new doors opened for me. Because I was open to letting go of my hardened, unrealistic ideas that didn't suit me and going on a completely unplanned path. Thank you Melanie for your professional and empathetic support in my ups and downs.»

Desiree Zemp, neighborhood work and movement pedagogue, site manager

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«Competent, professional and very helpful – that's how I experienced the session with Melanie.


I had to stand in for my boss within a short period of time. I reached my limits due to insufficient assertiveness and self-confidence.

Melanie helped me a lot with the coaching. I felt very comfortable in the coaching from the beginning on. Thanks to her warm and professional manner, I was able to open up to her very quickly and gain confidence.

Through the good preliminary analysis, she worked out a strategy with me to lead the team with enough self-confidence and assertiveness.

After the first session I was able to apply and implement what I had learned. The leadership of the team was suddenly much easier and I was able to assert my point of view much better .

I can warmly recommend Melanie to everyone. The coaching strengthened me and advanced me professionally.»


Livia Troxler, Deputy Team Leader


«Almost 10 years ago I decided to do a second degree. If I had known then that it would take 10 years to complete this, I don't know if I would have started it in the first place. Right from the start of the apprenticeship, I had great respect for the diploma thesis, but also for the C2 exam in French. At the end of 2016, after 4 months of preparation, sleeping disorders and struggling with my inferiority complex, I passed the C2 exam. Now all I had to do was write my diploma thesis. I put this off for a variety of reasons. Until I met Melanie again and talked to her about my situation.

At the beginning of June it was time. Knowing Melanie helped me a lot to open up to her. But I think that you can quickly find a connection to her in other ways because she is an open and very warm person. The session was very professional. Melanie made me realize that I have all the tools to write this work and that I just have to have the courage to do it. She always addressed the sore points, even when I started to barricade myself emotionally. She noticed this immediately and helped me in a very subtle way to open up again without forgetting to untie these knots.

In this session she gave me tools that helped me to recognize blocking situations and to react to them without getting into a blockage. At the end of October I finished my diploma thesis and handed it in and passed it. I am incredibly grateful to Melanie for the support and the last "push" I needed to make this happen. In this session with Melanie, I also learned a lot about myself and my strategies. This will and is already helping me to approach certain things differently. Thanks so much!!!!!


I would highly recommend Melanie to anyone. The coaching strengthened me and helped me advance professionally.»


Melanova Coaching

Melanie Troxler

Rankhofstrasse 24

Lucerne, Switzerland

Tel .: +41 (0) 79 401 58 70

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